If Shopify Item Not Found in QuickBooks Online, Auto-Create a New Item in QBO

The following article relates to matching unique item details when integrating Shopify orders with QuickBooks Online. If you opt to bulk load all of your order details into a single QBO item, you can bypass this article.

The ‘If Product is not found then’ field of the Item Matching screen lets you advise weintegrate how to handle the items that cannot be located in QBO.

The 2 options you can select from are:

‘Create New’ - will create a new item in QBO based on data from Shopify
‘Use Default Item’ - will load the Shopify order into a selected general item

Selecting 'Create New’

When you select to create a new item in QBO when an item match between Shopify and QuickBooks Online cannot be achieved, the following fields appear allowing you to configure your customer creation settings:

Create Item as - select whether to create your new item as an ‘Inventory Item’ or a ‘Non Inventory Item’.

Income Account - select the account to link sales of new items’ to from a dropdown list of accounts that have been pre-loaded from your QuickBooks Online company.

Inventory Asset Account - select the account to link your inventory asset value to from a dropdown list of accounts that have been pre-loaded from your QuickBooks Online company.

Expense Account - select the account to link your cost of goods value to from a dropdown list of accounts that have been pre-loaded from your QuickBooks Online company.

Set Sales Description as - specify which of the item values are to be used when displaying this item information on sales receipts. Select from either ‘Item Description’ or ‘Item Name’.

Set Purchase Description as - specify which of the item values are to be used when displaying this item information on purchase orders. Select from either ‘Item Description’ or ‘Item Name’.

Taxable - click the checkbox to have new items created in QuickBooks as taxable, or leave the box unchecked for non taxable.

Click here to learn about Loading New Items into a Bulk QBO Item when integrating Shopify with QuickBooks Online.