The Payouts tab is designed to show an immediate overview of the integration of WeIntegrate’s Shopify Payouts to QuickBooks Online Deposits.
WeIntegrate’s advanced and automated integration and synchronization removes the need for manual reconciliation by automatically finding and assigning the Sales Receipts and Refund Receipts (which were previously instantly synchronized to QBO by WeIntegrate) to the QBO Deposit we create. Any fees, adjustments including credits, debits, disputes are recorded on the deposit lines. Further if we detect an amount anomaly we notify you via our discrepancy detection mechanism. All of which is available for review on the QuickBooks Online Deposit as well as the WeIntegrate Shopify Payout to QuickBooks Online Deposit Report as detailed below.
This includes:
- Payouts that have been processed and a resulting QuickBooks Online (QBO) Deposit has been created
- Payouts that are waiting to be processed
- Payouts that had an error and could not be processed
These are further detailed in the Payout Icon column and Status column explanations below.
Sales connection dropdown
As with other tabs, this dropdown (as indicated in #9 of the screenshot above) allows you to switch between the sales connections which you have configured for the application to your store(s)
Refresh grid button
To the left of the button (as indicated in #10 of the screenshot above) is text that shows you when the grid was last refreshed. Clicking on the refresh button will retrieve the latest values.
Quick Filters
As with other tabs, the Quick Filters (as indicated in #11, #12, #13, and #14 of the screenshot above) show you a snapshot of data and clicking on them will filter the grid related to the quick filter data being shown. Specifically, the Payouts tab has the following four Quick Filters
- The first Quick Filter, shown in green, shows the total amount of Shopify Payouts and the quantity that were received today. Clicking on this Quick Filter will only show rows that match today.
- The second Quick Filter, shown in blue, shows the total amount of Shopify Payouts and the quantity that were received month to date. Clicking on this Quick Filter will only show rows that match month to date.
- The third Quick Filter, shown in orange, shows the total amount of Shopify Payouts and the quantity that are in process (those that have a status of Scheduled or In transit and a orange Pending text value in the Last Sync column). Clicking on this Quick Filter will only show rows that are pending.
- The fourth Quick Filter, shown in brown, shows the total amount of Shopify Payouts and the quantity that have been Canceled by Shopify and will show as Canceled in the Status column. Clicking on this Quick Filter will only show rows that are canceled.
Grid overview
This grid has 13 columns. As with other grids, the columns can be resized, sorted on, moved, as well as filtered.
Payout Icon column
Shows an icon representing the status of the row’s payout.
- A green icon represents no issues detected generating the QBO Deposit as indicated in #1 of the screenshot above.
- A light pink icon represents issues detected such, discrepancies, disputes, and charge backs while generating the QBO Deposit as indicated in #3 of the screenshot above.
- A red icon can have two representations:
- A QBO Deposit could not be created due to an error and therefore the Payout failed to be synchronized from Shopify to QBO as indicated #5 of the screenshot above
- Shopify Payout status is not yet Paid (i.e. Scheduled, In transit, etc.) as indicated in #7 of the screenshot above
When you hover over the icon in this column, you will be shown a tooltip message with additional information:
- When the icon is green, you will be shown the Payout ID and encouraged to click the icon to view the report for this payout and you will be informed that this payout does not have an amount discrepancy.
- When the icon is a light pink you will be shown the Payout ID and encouraged to click the icon to view the report for this payout and you will be informed that this payout has an amount discrepancy.
- When the icon is red you will be shown a message that states that the QBO Deposit not associated
The WeIntegrate Shopify Payout to QuickBooks Online Deposit Report is a comprehensive and useful report for overview, analysis, and troubleshooting a Shopify Payout and a QuickBooks Online Deposit which is available by clicking on the icon when it’s green or light pink.
Payout # column
Shows the unique Payout number as provided and associated to this Shopify Payout. The number is helpful to reference on the Shopify side as well something that will be helpful to provide to WeIntegrate support.
Date column
Shows the date when Shopify created the Payout. When the date is shown in the future, it corresponds to the date that Shopify has either Scheduled the payout to be sent or when the In transit payout is estimated to be in your bank.
By default, the grid is sorted in descending date order for this grid.
Gross column
Shows amount of the Payout including fees.
Fees column
Shows fees amount of the Payout.
Currency column
Shows currency type that was used for the amounts by Shopify.
Net column
Shows amount of the Payout excluding fees.
# Sales column
Shows the number of sales (charges) which are part of this Payout.
# Refunds column
Shows the number of refunds which are part of this Payout.
# Adjustments column
Shows the number credits, charge backs, or disputes which Shopify refers to as adjustments which are part of this Payout.
Status column
WeIntegrate’s Payout automation keeps you informed as the status changes. On busy stores, it’s common to see multiple payouts with a status of Scheduled and In transit while the status of Paid indicates a successful deposit into your bank. There are typically 5 statuses:
- Scheduled - as indicated in #8 of the screenshot above, Shopify Payout has been created and transactions (orders) have been assigned to it but it has not yet been submitted to the bank
- In transit - as indicated in #8 of the screenshot above, Shopify Payout has been submitted to the bank for processing
- Paid - Shopify Payout has successfully deposited into the bank
- Failed - Shopify Payout has been declined by the bank
- Canceled - Shopify Payout was canceled by Shopify
Received column
Shows when the WeIntegrate automated Shopify Payout integration made an association for this payout for tracking (in the cases of Scheduled or In transit statuses) and processing (in the case of the Paid status).
Last Sync column
As with other grids, this columns shows when a document was created / updated in QuickBooks Online, in this case a QBO Deposit was created / updated.
- When the Shopify Payout status is Paid
- If the QBO Deposit was successfully created and there, how long ago it was created will be shown in black as indicated in #2 and #4 of the screenshot above
- If the QBO Deposit could not be created, a red Pending will be shown as indicated in #6 of the screenshot above
- When the Shopify Payout is Scheduled or In transit
- an orange Pending will be shown
When you hover over the value in this column, you will be shown a tooltip message with additional information:
- When the text is black and is showing how long ago, you will be shown the exact date and time as well as the QBO deposit ID
- When the text is red, you will be shown additional details on why the synchronization failed with an error message that may be helpful to provide to WeIntegrate support
- When the text is orange, you will be shown a message that states Pending payment